Friday, July 28, 2006

Cool guy

This is a pretty amazing story. This guy is riding from Oregon to Virginia to help raise money for Cancer. I know your life, as well as my life, has been affected by cancer. Whether it's your mother, your father, your grandmother or father, a sibling, or even a friend, Cancer affects everyones' life.
Check it out, and donate if you can. He seems like a great guy, and he is trying to raise $100,000.

Monday, July 24, 2006


So here's my job. When the agent calls my line, I ask for a policy number. I have to ask him/her for his/her contract/agent number, which everyone has memorized and usually says it right as I am asking for policy number. I also have to verify the owner of the policy. The owner of the policies I can give any information to, the insured I can't, and the agent I can tell him/her everything. So I asked this guy what his contract number was. "Oh I don't know. I have so many with prudential that I'm not even going to bother giving you one of them. I am the agent of record, you should see that." I said, "Yes sir, I do see that, But you need to verify your contract before I can go further." He yells, "Listen here KT, I don't need to give you my contract number. I am the agent on record. I have the insured here, he can give you any of his information *note, this is not the owner, this is the insured. I can't give the insured any information, but can give agent*. He needs surrender forms sent now. I asked for them before and have been waiting for them for an hour (which he changed to 2 and half hours and down to an hour and a half....)." I told him that I would refax the paperwork, and to receive it in 10 minutes to 2 hours, which is standard protocol. He got FURIOUS! "Katie, listen here, the insured is with me, and he is leaving town today and he wants this done today." I said, "I will do the best that I can and fax them to you, but it might take anywhere from 10 minutes to 2 hours." He goes, "That's not good enough. He's been waiting a long time, and he wants them now. Will you fax them to me." I said, "I will do my best". He goes thank you and hangs up. So I talked to my manager about it, told her what went on, and She said that because I was unable to verify his contract/agent number, I don't have to send out the forms. Cool. So I emailed him and told him that I couldn't send out the forms (something about if he wants to call back with a contract number, we can help him out from there, but I can't from here). He writes back, threatening me.

In follow up to your email.. understand this... Dr. Enriquez is in my
office and has verified his social security number earlier with
another representative. You . Ms. Tobin should have well know that
you would need verification of my agent code during our conversation,
which took me 90 mins in a call to Prudential when submitting this
application to get, when they gave me four different agent codes, none
of which I was able to recognize. Last I checked, the insured, need
not have a rep code to receive Cash Surrender forms from Prudential.
Shouldn't you have faxed them to the client who was here in my office.
Your company time and again always makes errors, like the one in your
YOUR REPLY TO THIS EMAIL. I will be forwarding this correspondence
to the Prudential Executive offices."

So that's my job. Really ticks me off. The guy was mean to me. I brought this to the attention of my AM, and she is contacting him now, hoping to get a response from him, what his agent number is or at least the last four of his social s. number.